Our four school houses are Cunningham, Fraser, Kennedy and Leichhardt. Students are assigned to a house based on the first letter of their surname.
Cunningham A - D
Fraser E - K
Kennedy L - Q
Leichhardt R - Z
The five pillars of House Cup are: Attendance, Participation, School Spirit, Achievement and Carnivals. Every day a student achieves their personal best, is the opportunity to earn house points.
See below table on how points are calculated:
| School Spirit/ Participation/Achievement
| Attendance | Other activities
1 point for participation
Overall house placings:
1st = 1000
2nd = 800 3rd = 650
4th = 550
| 5 points for a Merit Award 10 points for a Department Award
20 points for a Head of House Award
50 points for a Principal Award
100 points for a Regional Director Award
| 5 points for each term for students who have >92% attendance
1 point per house lap
| 1 point for participation
Overall house placings:
1st = 100
2nd = 80
3rd = 65
4th = 55
Other activities run by House Captains throughout the year:
- Student vs teacher sporting events (Dodgeball, Volleyball, Touch or Netball)
- Lunchtime sporting activities (Dodgeball, Volleyball, Wonky Athletics, Touch)
- Lunchtime arts activities (Floor is Lava, Just Dance, Body parts to colour)
- GCT wellbeing activities (Teamwork challenges, messages of kindness, staff thank you's, Anzac Day wreath-making, playdough creations)
- Themed weeks (Beauy Way May - Bravery, Kindness, Mind-body habits, Teamwork week, World Environment week, NAIDOC week).
- Participating in extra-curricular activities
- Representing the school in sporting, dance and debating events

Students playing Floor is Lava for House Points at lunchtime