BYOD Information
BYOD stands for "Bring Your Own Device". Student devices are connected to the school network allowing students to access files and printers for learning purposes.
Here is a brief video explaining how BYOD devices work in the school environment.
Why use BYOD?
The benefits for BYOD:
- improve digital literacy
- provide independent learning
- removes barriers to learning
- allows wider exploration of the world
- prepares students for the workplace technology environment
- gives access to QCAA Digital resources that are required for year 11
Students gain the convenience of using the same device at school s well as at home for homework.
What are student & parent /carer requirements?
Because we understand the investment in BYOD by families, we have included a range of information to help answer questions.
What devices are suitable for BYOD?
A Windows or Apple laptop purchased within the last couple of years should have sufficient capacity to meet the BYOX requirements.
It is important to be aware that if your student uses the device for art, graphics and /or media purposes, software needs may require greater processing power than standard office programs. Students can check device requirements with their relevant teachers.
What software will my student need?
Students use Microsoft programs like Word, Excel and PowerPoint in many of their subjects. These programs are free to download to students' personal/home devices for use when completing schoolwork. Please visit the this Microsoft Office information page for instructions.
What do I need to know when planning to buy a new device for my child?
For information about the capacity required for school devices, please check our BYOX Minimum Specifications (PDF, 201KB).