Key Dates to Remember
- Tuesday 27 January 2025 years 7 | 8 | 12
- Wednesday 28 January 2025 years 9 | 10| 11 - all students ready to learn
- Thursday 6 February School photos
- Thursday 20 February School Photos
- Friday 7 February Swimming Carnival – a great day to keep cool in the pool!
More than just swimming, fun activities throughout the day provides an opportunity for students to reconnect after the summer break and have some fun in supporting their House. We encourage all students to join in the fun as a normal school day.
Medical updates for 2025
Remember if your child needs to take medication while at school a new form is required at the start of each year. A form for 2025 can be found on our website. Please ensure this is completed and returned with medication and supporting information as we are unable to administer medication without this consent.
School Immunisation Program
Consent forms will be sent with students early in term 3 so do keep a look out for this if your child is in year 7 or year 10. This program is run and managed by Ozcare For questions or further information please visit